In 1916, COncordia coal mine expanded its territory towards the western direction of the Belfort coal basin. From the main shafts towards the new coal basin, at a depth of 220 m and 575 m, two tunnels were built.
In 1921, the first one reached Maciejów and there the Maciej shaft was constructed to provide ventilation function. Around it, an infrastructure allowing the miners to enter, material transport and later exploitation of coal and gangue. The maciej Shaft was supposed to rebuild exploitation prowess of the mine through works in seams 600 and 700 – shallow and undulated. In 1978 in the area of the Maciej Shaft, Concordia mine extracted the last tonne coal in its history.

Cross section through the Maciej Shaft

Map of Zabrze, Maciej Shaft, around 1930

Geological cross section the vicinity of Maciej Shaft

Maciej Shaft’s surrounding area plan, 1944

Maciej Shaft, 1934

Exploitation of seams 710 and 705 in vicinity of Maciej Shaft